Saturday, July 31, 2010

First week of school - Get to know you fitness activity

In my classes, I like the students to know each other and their names. So, I like to do a get to know you game. This one includes some fitness with it - so it is great for PE!

I organize the students into pairs - not with someone they know. They walk with their partners around the track or field and interview each other as they go. I encourage them to find out some interesting things about their partners - like how many children in their family, where they went on summer vacation, how many animals they have, where they were born, etc. After students are done walking, I have them record what they learned about their partners. Then I have them introduce their partners to the class. These are the questions I list on the worksheet: 1) List 5 things you learned about your partner, 2) Which of the five things did you feel was the most interesting? 3) What do you wish you had thought to ask? I do have them turn in the worksheet.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea. Healthy, fun, and social. This is right up my alley, maybe I will start something like this for faculty members as well.
